Suzanne Starr's statement that "a physician, who was retired from the military, got children from the mountains of Colorado for experiments." She says she was one of those children and that she was the victim of experiments involving environmental deprivation to the point of forced psychosis, spin programming, injections, rape and frequent electroshock and mind control sessions. "I have fought self-destructive programmed messages to kill myself, and I know what a programmed message is, and I don’t act on them," she tells the advisory committee of the experiments' long-lasting effects, even in her adulthood (Goliszek).
President Clinton publicly apologizes to the thousands of people who were victims of MKULTRA and other mind-control experimental programs (Sharav).
President Clinton appoints the National Bioethics Advisory Committee (Sharav).
Justice Edward Greenfield of the New York State Supreme Court rules that parents do not have the right to volunteer their mentally incapacitated children for non-therapeutic medical research studies and that no mentally incapacitated person whatsoever can be used in a medical experiment without informed consent (Sharav).
(1996)Professor Adil E. Shamoo of the University of Maryland and the organization Citizens for Responsible Care and Research sends a written testimony on the unethical use of veterans in medical research to the U.S. Senate's Committee on Governmental Affairs, stating: "This type of research is on-going nationwide in medical centers and VA hospitals supported by tens of millions of dollars of taxpayers money. These experiments are high risk and are abusive, causing not only physical and psychic harm to the most vulnerable groups but also degrading our society’s system of basic human values. Probably tens of thousands of patients are being subjected to such experiments" ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").
The Department of Defense admits that Gulf War soldiers were exposed to chemical agents; however, 33 percent of all military personnel afflicted with Gulf War Syndrome never left the United States during the war, discrediting the popular mainstream belief that these symptoms are a result of exposure to Iraqi chemical weapons (Merritte, et al.).
President Clinton issues a formal apology to the subjects of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study and their families (Sharav).
(1997)In an experiment sponsored by the U.S. government, researchers withhold medical treatment from HIV-positive African-American pregnant women, giving them a placebo rather than AIDS medication (Sharav).
On Sept. 18, victims of unethical medical experiments at major U.S. research centers, including the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) testify before the National Bioethics Advisory Committee (Sharav).
(1999)Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D. testifies on "The Unethical Use of Human Beings in High-Risk Research Experiments" before the U.S. House of Representatives' House Committee on Veterans' Affairs, alerting the House on the use of American veterans in VA Hospitals as human guinea pigs and calling for national reforms ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").
Doctors at the University of Pennsylvania inject 18-year-old Jesse Gelsinger with an experimental gene therapy as part of an FDA-approved clinical trial. He dies four days later and his father suspects that he was not fully informed of the experiment's risk (Goliszek)
During a clinical trial investigating the effectiveness of Propulsid for infant acid reflux, nine-month-old Gage Stevens dies at Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh (Sharav).
(2000)The U.S. Air Force and rocket maker Lockheed Martin sponsor a Loma Linda University study that pays 100 Californians $1,000 to eat a dose of perchlorate -- a toxic component of rocket fuel that causes cancer, damages the thyroid gland and hinders normal development in children and fetuses -- every day for six months. The dose eaten by the test subjects is 83 times the safe dose of perchlorate set by the State of California, which has perchlorate in some of its drinking water. This Loma Linda study is the first large-scale study to use human subjects to test the harmful effects of a water pollutant and is "inherently unethical," according to Environmental Working Group research director Richard Wiles (Goliszek, Envirnomental Working Group).
(2001)On its website, the FDA admits that its policy to include healthy children in human experiments "has led to an increasing number of proposals for studies of safety and pharmacokinetics, including those in children who do not have the condition for which the drug is intended" (Goliszek).
In Higgins and Grimes v. Kennedy Krieger Institute The Maryland Court of Appeals makes a landmark decision regarding the use of children as test subjects, prohibiting non-therapeutic experimentation on children on the basis of "best interest of the individual child" (Sharav).
(2002)President George W. Bush signs the Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act (BPCA), offering pharmaceutical companies six-month exclusivity in exchange for running clinical drug trials on children. This will of course increase the number of children used as human test subjects (Hammer Breslow).
(2003)Two-year-old Michael Daddio of Delaware dies of congestive heart failure. After his death, his parents learn that doctors had performed an experimental surgery on him when he was five months old, rather than using the established surgical method of repairing his congenital heart defect that the parents had been told would be performed. The established procedure has a 90- to 95-percent success rate, whereas the inventor of the procedure performed on baby Daddio would later be fired from his hospital in 2004 (Willen and Evans, "Parents of Babies Who Died in Delaware Tests Weren't Warned").
(2004)In his BBC documentary "Guinea Pig Kids" and BBC News article of the same name, reporter Jamie Doran reveals that children involved in the New York City foster care system were unwitting human subjects in experimental AIDS drug trials from 1988 to, in his belief, present times (Doran).
(2005)In response to the BBC documentary and article "Guinea Pig Kids", the New York City Administration of Children's Services (ACS) sends out an Apr. 22 press release admitting that foster care children were used in experimental AIDS drug trials, but says that the last trial took place in 2001 and thus the trials are not continuing, as BBC reporter Jamie Doran claims. The ACS gives the extent and statistics of the experimental drug trials, based on its own records, and contracts the Vera Institute of Justice to conduct "an independent review of ACS policy and practice regarding the enrollment of HIV-positive children in foster care in clinical drug trials during the late 1980s and 1990s" (New York City ACS).
Bloomberg releases a series of reports suggesting that SFBC, the largest experimental drug testing center of its time, exploits immigrant and other low-income test subjects and runs tests with limited credibility due to violations of both the FDA's and SFBC's own testing guidelines (Bloomberg).
In October 2005, the American Chemistry Council gave the EPA $2.1 million to study how children ranging from infancy to three years old ingest, inhale or absorb chemicals. Like IG Farben was for the German pharmaceutical companies of Nazi Germany, the American Chemistry Council acts much like a front group for chemical industry bigwigs like Bayer (which was incidentally also a member of IG Farben), BP, Chevron, Dow, DuPont, Exxon, Honeywell, 3M, Monsanto and Procter & Gamble. Studies have already proven that the chemicals made by these companies have long-term effects on children and adults. A short, two-year study like CHEERS would of course fail to reveal these long-term effects and the American Chemistry Council could then publicize these findings as "proof" that its chemicals were safe.
2006 - 2007Merck begins pushing U.S. states to mandate the vaccination of teenage girls with Gardasil, a vaccine they claim prevents HPV, a sexually-transmitted virus. In February 2007, Texas Gov. Rick Perry -- who was revealed to have financial ties with Merck, the vaccine manufacturer -- mandates the vaccine in teenage girls (see ). A key Merck lobbyist named Mike Toomey, it turned out, had served as Gov. Rick Perry's chief of staff.
The Texas decision to mandate the vaccine was a notable and troubling milestone in public health policy because it is the first time a vaccine is mandated for a disease that cannot be contracted through casual contact in public schools. It also invoked "gunpoint medicine," or the threat of arrest at gunpoint for not agreeing to receive state-mandated injections.
The Gardasil vaccinations remain a grand medical experiment being performed on children because it is not yet known what the long-term side effects of the vaccination will be, nor whether the vaccinations will actually lower rates of cervical cancer as intended.
2007Maryland's governor and public health officials, fed up with the unwillingness of over 2,000 parents to have their children vaccinated, invoke gunpoint medicine yet again by threatening the parents with arrest and up to 30 days of imprisonment if they don't submit their children to state-mandated vaccinations. The children and parents are later rounded up at a county courthouse, guarded by attack dogs and security personnel, while a district Judge oversees the mass injection of schoolchildren with vaccines that contain toxic mercury. (See )
Present day: New Jersey mandates the mass vaccination of all children with four different vaccines, stripping away the health freedoms of parents and unleashing a mass medical experiment that exploits the bodies of children and enriches pharmaceutical companies while criminalizing parents who refuse to participate.
Works CitedAlliance for Human Research Protection. "'Monster Experiment' Taught Orphans to Stutter.". June 11, 2001.
Barker, Allen. "The Cold War Experiments." Mind Control.
Berdon, Victoria. "Codes of Medical and Human Experimentation Ethics." The Least of My Brothers.
Brinker, Wendy. "James Marion Sims: Father Butcher." Seed Show.
Burton Report. "Human Experimentation, Plutonium and Col. Stafford Warren."
Cockburn, Alexander and Jeffrey St. Clair, eds. "Germ War: The U.S. Record." Counter Punch.
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Doran, Jamie. "Guinea Pig Kids." BBC News. 30 Nov. 2004.
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Elliston, Jon. "MKULTRA: CIA Mind Control." Dossier: Paranormal Government.
Environmental Working Group. "U.S.: Lockheed Martin's Tests on Humans." CorpWatch.
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Goliszek, Andrew. In the Name of Science. New York: St. Martin's, 2003.
Greger, Michael, M.D. Heart Failure: Diary of a Third Year Medical Student.
Griffiths, Joel and Chris Bryson. "Toxic Secrets: Fluoride and the Atom Bomb." Nexus Magazine 5:3. Apr. - May 1998.
Hammer Breslow, Lauren. "The Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act of 2002: The Rise of the Voluntary Incentive Structure and Congressional Refusal to Require Pediatric Testing." Harvard Journal of Legislation Vol. 40.
"Human Experimentation: Before the Nazi Era and After." Micah Books.
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Merritte, LaTasha, et al.. "The Banality of Evil: Human Medical Experimentation in the United States." The Public Law Online Journal. Spring 1999.
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"Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D." News from the Joint Hearing on Suspension of Medical Research at West Los Angeles and Sepulveda VA Medical Facilities and Informed Consent and Patient Safety in VA Medical Research. 21 Apr. 1999.
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dynamic looks
prince history
Mahesh Babu started out his movie career as a child actor in his father's films before making his debut as a Hero.
Mahesh Babu Debuted with Rajakumarudu in telugu Industry as a Hero.The movie co-starred Preity Zinta who played the heroes romantic interest. The movie received good response at the box office.
His 2nd movie was Yuvaraju ,Sakshi sivanand and Simran were cast opposite Mahesh, The movie failed to make an impact and considered Flop at the box office.
His 3rd Movie was Vamsi co-starring Namratha Shirodkar whom he married later on. The movie also featured his father Krishna in a pivotal role. The movie didn't do well at box office and was declared a Flop.
His 4th Movie Murari directed by Krishna Vamsi and co-starring Sonali Bendre provided him the much needed breakthrough. Movie was declared as HIT & the music was an instant hit and it proved Mahesh's ability as an actor.
His 5th and the first Cowboy Movie in his generation was Takkari Donga . Despite heavy expectations the movie did average collections and considered as Flop at the box office.
His 6th Movie was Bobby With arti agarwal as a Heroine and Directed By shoban was a Flop
His 7th Movie was what all His Fans were lookin for Okkadu .This Movie directed by gunasekhar was a Blockbuster and remained the best film till then, With this movie Mahesh became one among the young top heroes of telugu industry
His 8th movie was Nijam , Though the Movie Didn't do well at the Box office and was declared a Flop - it was applauded by the movie critics and Mahesh Won the Nandi Award for Best Actor for this film.
His 9th Movie was Naani , Directed By surya. Mahesh always tried Novelty in his films and this time he did a Experiment with a Different Story of science fiction which resulted as a Flop, this movie did not do well at the box office but the audio was a big hit.
His 10th Movie was Arjun Directed By gunasekhar, this is a Family movie which was Average to above average flick
His 11th Movie was Athadu Directed By Trivikram srinivas this was a Huge Hit in southindia and Overseas. the Music added to the Success of the Story. The Movie's screenplay was Critically acclaimed as best till date that time. Mahesh Won the Nandi Award for Best Actor for this film. He Did it again for the second time.
His 12th movie was Pokiri is a BlockBuster, Undoubtedly the Highest grosser in the History of telugu Cinema in India as well as Overseas Till Date. This is the Film that has been watched by film People from Bollywood,Kollywood Like Amitabh Bachchan , Abhishek Bachchan, Joseph Vijay Etc. His performance was applauded by even Ram Gopal Varma and Amitabh Bachchan.[3] Mahesh's potential attracted Different Media giants like UTV to come to Telugu Industry. Now Pokiri is also being made in Bollywood under the name Wanted Dead or Alive starring Salman Khan.
His 13th Movie Sainikudu had a tremendous opening but failed to live up to expectations and became a Flop at boxoffice. Trisha was starred against him.
His 14th Movie was Athidhi in which he paired with Amrita Rao. After the huge success of Pokiri, its been highly difficult to Mahesh to match the expectations, and This was a Commercially Successful Movie but Didn't go on a long Run and the result is Flop.
His Next film is Varudu in the direction of Trivikram Srinivas and A Warner Bros- Soundarya Rajnikanth film directed by Puri Jagannadh.
Mahesh Babu Debuted with Rajakumarudu in telugu Industry as a Hero.The movie co-starred Preity Zinta who played the heroes romantic interest. The movie received good response at the box office.
His 2nd movie was Yuvaraju ,Sakshi sivanand and Simran were cast opposite Mahesh, The movie failed to make an impact and considered Flop at the box office.
His 3rd Movie was Vamsi co-starring Namratha Shirodkar whom he married later on. The movie also featured his father Krishna in a pivotal role. The movie didn't do well at box office and was declared a Flop.
His 4th Movie Murari directed by Krishna Vamsi and co-starring Sonali Bendre provided him the much needed breakthrough. Movie was declared as HIT & the music was an instant hit and it proved Mahesh's ability as an actor.
His 5th and the first Cowboy Movie in his generation was Takkari Donga . Despite heavy expectations the movie did average collections and considered as Flop at the box office.
His 6th Movie was Bobby With arti agarwal as a Heroine and Directed By shoban was a Flop
His 7th Movie was what all His Fans were lookin for Okkadu .This Movie directed by gunasekhar was a Blockbuster and remained the best film till then, With this movie Mahesh became one among the young top heroes of telugu industry
His 8th movie was Nijam , Though the Movie Didn't do well at the Box office and was declared a Flop - it was applauded by the movie critics and Mahesh Won the Nandi Award for Best Actor for this film.
His 9th Movie was Naani , Directed By surya. Mahesh always tried Novelty in his films and this time he did a Experiment with a Different Story of science fiction which resulted as a Flop, this movie did not do well at the box office but the audio was a big hit.
His 10th Movie was Arjun Directed By gunasekhar, this is a Family movie which was Average to above average flick
His 11th Movie was Athadu Directed By Trivikram srinivas this was a Huge Hit in southindia and Overseas. the Music added to the Success of the Story. The Movie's screenplay was Critically acclaimed as best till date that time. Mahesh Won the Nandi Award for Best Actor for this film. He Did it again for the second time.
His 12th movie was Pokiri is a BlockBuster, Undoubtedly the Highest grosser in the History of telugu Cinema in India as well as Overseas Till Date. This is the Film that has been watched by film People from Bollywood,Kollywood Like Amitabh Bachchan , Abhishek Bachchan, Joseph Vijay Etc. His performance was applauded by even Ram Gopal Varma and Amitabh Bachchan.[3] Mahesh's potential attracted Different Media giants like UTV to come to Telugu Industry. Now Pokiri is also being made in Bollywood under the name Wanted Dead or Alive starring Salman Khan.
His 13th Movie Sainikudu had a tremendous opening but failed to live up to expectations and became a Flop at boxoffice. Trisha was starred against him.
His 14th Movie was Athidhi in which he paired with Amrita Rao. After the huge success of Pokiri, its been highly difficult to Mahesh to match the expectations, and This was a Commercially Successful Movie but Didn't go on a long Run and the result is Flop.
His Next film is Varudu in the direction of Trivikram Srinivas and A Warner Bros- Soundarya Rajnikanth film directed by Puri Jagannadh.
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